NUFORC Sighting 179060

Occurred: 2021-03-01 08:15 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-10-20 17:09 Pacific
Duration: 6 min ?
No of observers: 1

Location: Richardson, TX, USA
Location details: parking lot of shopping center

Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Emitted beams, Missing Time

Very large fat Cylinder craft close to my location

This happened just as the small stores were starting to open up after covid but they had installed plastic widows between you and the cashier. I'm guessing 2021, I came out of convenient store got to my car and looked up towards north and this very large dark grey, very fat cylinder with smaller cylinder attached at top was sitting under large white puffy cloud. It almost looked like dark whale skin. Very smooth with no sharp edges. Like a big can without sharp edge, bottom not straight across but slightly shallow bowl shape. Its was a beautiful clear day with large puffy clouds in the sky. I was kind of at an under it angle so only saw bottom, side and the small edge of the top cylinder part. A bit taller than its diameter but not much. I had thrown my purse into car before I noticed it and did not want to dive in to get cell phone since this item was moving up towards the cloud slowly.

I decided to just watch. It was quite large but I could not tell exactly size or distance until I drove back out there in the afternoon and noticed how small a little airplane looked compared to this cylinder craft. It could have held 7 airplanes ( 10 passenger size plane) stacked on top of each other inside easily. I looked for any kind or rivet, window, antennae, flange etc sticking out from it but saw nothing. It was quite smooth. I was getting a very strong glare off of the craft but very rhythmically. I thought it might have something that the sun hit that blinded me. I had to close my eyes a bit longer than a blink because it was so bright but again was on and off rhythmically. The sun was already up low in the east probably around 8:15 am so thought the craft might be slowly spinning but saw nothing that Sun would glare off of. So I could not tell if it was spinning. I did not notice where the strong glare was coming from the craft. I glanced around what is usually a very busy shopping center and saw no cars or people anywhere.

I kept looking for another witness. The Campbell 3 lane road which has a light at the corner had no cars which is very odd its always very busy night or day. No people or cars at gas station, drug store, barbecue place, car wash, shopping strip, dog walking area. Even the store I just came out of had no one behind the counter anymore. I watched this craft which had no lights, no windows and I could hear no sound. I tried very hard to listen for a buzz but it might have been to far up. I don't think I heard any sound, not even birds etc. It slowly moved up into this puffy white cloud. I waited knowing at about the speed it was going up it would start to come out the top of the cloud. I waited quite an extra while and it did not exit the top of cloud. I smiled and knew it was not coming back out. I tried to figure out distance in that if it headed down towards the ground where would it land and I thought it might hit the water tower in our neighborhood only a few streets over.

No one in this busy neighborhood saw anything. No one posted anything. In fact I felt like I was the only person in this town while I was watching and that started to freak me out. Its a very lonely feeling. Did not see any cars when I drove home which was only a few blocks away. I was very blah about it, mentioned it to family member , but for some reason I had no excitement, and they ignored me. I immediately wrote down date time and a drawing of my sighting in my notebook. That information seems to be missing. I am upset that I didn't pay more attention to the time it took me to go there and get back home. Starting to think I was taken out of time. Also it was quite a while till I mentioned it again to family members and dont know why. Wonder if the glaring light was giving me some information I don't yet know.

Posted 2023-10-28

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