NUFORC Sighting 179005

Occurred: 2010-12-12 03:00 Local
Reported: 2023-10-19 18:48 Pacific
Duration: Roughly 5 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Prunedale, CA, USA

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

A bright pink ball of light came into our bedroom through our window and hovered in front of my face for roughly 5 minutes.

My husband and I were staying the night at my parents house. My husband was asleep next to me and I was sitting up in bed unable to sleep. I was afraid for no reason, terrified really, for about half an hour preceding the light. The bedroom window is on the first floor and faces nothing but the slough which is pitched black at night. Then, all my fear evaporated suddenly and a pink ball hovered outside the window. Then I watched it as it went right through the glass and hovered in front of my face. It moved very strangely, like a bubble or a helium balloon. It could move very fast or stop quickly and it never really stopped moving when it hovered. I had a very good look at it while it hovered maybe 6 inches away from my face. It had lots of little lights inside of it that were all moving around. It seemed intelligent and moved with purpose. It seemed curious about me, I think. I was nervous because I had no idea what it could be and it was bright, so bright that I didn’t know what could happen if it touched me or my husband. Maybe burn or shock us? I didn’t know if it was deadly? I couldn’t imagine what it could be. I was just staring at it and it’s moving lights inside half trying to rack my brain as to what the heck was happening, worried about what it could do, not wanting it near us and half amazed and not wanting it to leave without my husband seeing it too. My husband saw light as I was trying to silently nudge him awake and he was annoyed that I “turned the light on.” When he woke, it sped off. I’m not religious and not a believer in anything supernatural, etc. I have no idea what this was. Have there been many people that have seen this? Did they feel terror in the time before it happened? The only time I felt that terror was when I was younger and experienced being awake during sleep paralysis and seeing a shadowy man. It was the exact same feeling of pure terror. I learned later that the shadow figure was an illusion, a trick of the mind to explain the paralysis. That was the same terror I had that night but I was a grown woman, a wife, a mother and in the same room with my husband. I had no reason to feel terrified. I should mention though that both events happened there at the same house but a different bedroom.

Posted 2023-10-28

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