NUFORC Sighting 178761

Occurred: 2022-06-27 22:00 Local
Reported: 2023-10-07 08:16 Pacific
Duration: About 10 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Dana Point, CA, USA
Location details: Patio overlooking cliff/ocean at the Blue Lantern Inn 34343 Street of the Blue Lantern, Dana Point,

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects

Three lights in triangle formation fell like a shooting star, leveled off like a fighter jet, and cruised over the ocean, disapperaing.

Partner and I were facing about West, sitting on patio chairs while laying back and looking at the stars. High and to our right (about to our North) I thought we saw what started to look like just another shooting star, but the “shooting star” quickly became apparent as being three lights in a rigid triangle formation as they approached. The craft “flared,” like a jet plane would when making course correction to slow its decent and it leveled off. There was no sound, but the lights glowed brightly (a bright, yellowish white glow) as if to be catching the friction from the maneuver. I’m confident the space between these lights was blocking stars behind it, so while it was very dark one could still see that it was a rather large, triangle-shaped aerial craft. After the craft slowed its descent it continued course to the West and over the ocean. As it cruised away the glow from the three lights faded and we lost sight of the object. The whole sighting lasted less than ten seconds, but my partner saw the exact same thing and confirmed the description and agreed it was a craft of some kind.

It’s hard to gauge the size of the object because of the darkness and the lack of reference (especially the lack of any sound), but it was not small—certainly not a drone or even fighter jet sized. It could have been a triangle that had edges as small as -20ft, or they could have been as large as ~80ft. The lack of sound suggests it was higher in elevation, making the object much larger. But it seemed to level off only a few thousand feet up (about propeller plane/helicopter altitudes) making one think it could have been smaller and just more stealthy. I’d guess it to be in between those previous estimates, with a triangle of edges about 30 feet in length—kind of like the size of a mobile home. After internet search it was a pretty classic “black triangle UFO”.

We didn’t share this sighting with anyone at the time, but upon recently talking with a friend to mentioned the unexplained lights and sightings to the South in San Diego shortly after this, it could possibly be connected.

Posted 2023-10-28

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