NUFORC Sighting 178651

Occurred: 1993-05-20 03:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-09-30 16:12 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Palm City, FL, USA
Location details: Eastern facing second-story bedroom with picture windows

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Made a sound

Light on horizon zipping around, over several nights, then approached house last night

For 3 nights, around 12-2 a.m., while lying in bed facing my eastern 2nd-story wall of picture windows, I observed a light on the horizon - over the trees - seemingly out over the ocean (30+ miles away), staying stationary but would appear to bounce. My room was on corner of house with my north and east walls being wraparound picture windows. I thought it was a star and my eyes must be playing tricks on me, maybe a reflection off the ocean. On 4th night, it was much closer and lower, with binoculars it resembled a rotating disc with dim blinking lights, not very big. I could not determine distance. This repeated the 5th night.

The 6th night, approximately 2:30 a.m., while looking at it with binoculars in wonder, it was instantly right outside my windows, bright brilliant white light like I have never seen before or since lit up my entire bedroom from eastern direction, then from both north and east windows. The light was blinding, so much I could see nothing but brilliant light when i tried to look at the windows. I was 21 years old and still living with my parents. I screamed for my mom, and I ran partly into hallway as she came running into my room. She witnessed it, intense bright brilliant light filling my entire room from the north and east picture windows. I then heard what sounded like a freight train, but it may have been my auditory senses correlating with the absolute intensity of what my visual senses were experiencing. Interestingly, my mom heard the freight train noise too, we were terrified, it felt as though a tornado was about to hit hard. It was then instantly just gone like it was never even there. I expected the entire neighborhood to be outside, after the deafening freight train/tornado noise. No one was outside or mentioned it the next day. My dad was in Portland, Oregon for business unfortunately.

My mom was distraught - not about what we just saw and heard, but that we would be ridiculed and shunned, and made me swear to not tell anyone. I understood why, and didnt want to be labeled a crackpot either. We lived in an affluent neighborhood, my dad was an aerospace metallurgical engineer. A neighbor woman who was an orthopedic doctor had a similar experience a decade prior (driving a car down the long dark isolated road through woods to our neighborhood, and said something in the air that was rotating and emitting light descended over her car and the car went completely dead as it was being operated at 40-45 mph) and was so ridiculed and belittled by the neighbors and then our entire small town, she moved two years later. By the time she left, there were false malicious rumors of her being a drug-addled alcoholic quack. It was devastating for this upstanding, professional woman.

I have experienced nothing similar since, despite living in much more isolated and rural locations for the last three decades.

Posted 2023-10-28

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