NUFORC Sighting 178471

Occurred: 2023-09-13 21:48 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-09-26 07:04 Pacific
Duration: Less than 2 minutes.
No of observers: 1

Location: Peterborough, ON, Canada
Location details: Just outside the city as I was heading home. Closest intersection was Brealy and Parkhill Road.

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Black Triangle hovering silently with red and white lights.

I was driving home from picking a late supper up from McDonald's. As I was leaving the city driving down Brealy Drive (before the Parkhill Road roundabout intersection) I spotted what looked to be an airplane / helicopter at first.

The lights were not blinking in a way I was familiar with but because of the lights I initially dismissed it as an airplane / helicopter.

As I approached closer to the intersection, I noticed the object was no longer moving in any direction and was hovering in place. It was not directly over the intersection but about 50m before the intersection.

I looked up as I approached it with my head out my car window, saw it was a big black triangle shaped aircraft about 300m above the road. I could see that it was made of metal due to the lights on the aircraft illuminating the underside and being so close to the ground.

There was 0 noise coming from it. It was fully visible from below and 50m in size approximately from one point of the triangle to another point.

While keeping my eyes on it I almost drove into the ditch and came to a complete stop so I could get out of my car and start recording a video - as I went to do this the object took off and flew southbound across the city with an acceleration/speed not typical of aircraft. It was past the horizon in about 10 seconds from the time it started accelerating.

The object was above me so the background was the nightsky. It was close enough to the ground that I could make out details on the crafts underbelly / see the lights illuminating part of the underbelly.

I immediately drove home processing what I had just witnessed and got to work researching to disprove that I had seen a UAP.

I tried looking up experimental triangle craft the military have worked on and could find nothing other than a rumored anti grav triangle craft the US was rumored to have made some years ago - though that seems unlikely because why would they be hovering over the outskirts of my city?!

I looked up all registered flight paths in my area + the radar data for the area to see if anything matched the flight path this object took - nothing was registered as having flown over that area at that time / date.

Attached to this report is a photograph someone else had taken in the past - but matched exactly what I saw that night.

I also am attaching a video from another person who had seen something similar + described it the same way as I saw that night.

These files ARE NOT taken directly by me but were found by me when trying to find out what I'd seen and came across similar reports of these objects.

The photo / video are IDENTICAL to what I saw above me that night - down to the lights, shape, etc.

I have also attached a Google maps image with the location circled where it was hovering silently.

Posted 2023-10-28

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