NUFORC Sighting 178319

Occurred: 2021-07-31 03:30 Local
Reported: 2023-09-17 16:11 Pacific
Duration: 3 min
No of observers: 3

Location: Klerksdorp, North West, South Africa
Location details: High Security Rhino Sanctuary, no fly zone.

Shape: Other

UAP over Rhino Sanctuary.

Good day,

I have some very wierd footage for you from South Africa, captured at 04:00 this morning by my son on a high security Rhino farm with state of the art security systems, including radar (which was how the object was detected in the first place) and night sight cameras. They could not identify the object on camera, and as its a no fly zone, they dispatched a team of rangers, but no lights and no sound was heard by the team, so they could not locate anything as it was still dark. The object was not traveling in a straight line, and it changed course as well. Im sending you the video of the very wierd looking object, and there are two still images of the diffrent directions it was traveling (in yellow dotted line in the first, and white dotted line in the second), there are no routes there. Hard to determine the height of it, as it looked high at some stage, and very low at other stages. This is definately not a drone of some kind, and the shape seem to move on the top of the object as if scanning or something.

Just very very wierd.

Posted 2023-10-28

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