NUFORC Sighting 178303

Occurred: 2023-09-11 23:03 Local
Reported: 2023-09-12 15:44 Pacific
Duration: Seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Alexandria, VA, USA
Location details: 2827 Telek Place, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 (Facing South)

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object

Sighting of orb moving quickly from earth to outside of the atmosphere (shooting further into space, not across the sky like a meteor).

On the evening of September 11, 2023, at approximately 11:03pm, two adults (ages 28 and 26), witnessed a circular orb (the size of a quarter, if you were to point the quarter to the sky), as bright as the moon quickly slingshotted into space faster than any aircraft, meteor or shooting star both participants have ever seen. The two participants were on the patio of their 4th floor apartment, stargazing, when they noticed the orb shoot through the sky. Since the orb shot through very fast there was no way to document the incident through phones, however, minutes after, we decided to jot down notes and draw out what we saw. We are more than happy to send over a copy of those drawings and information.

The orb was seen from the corner of one of the participants eyes and its light, speed and direction commanded the night sky and was highly visible. It's trajectory was that of a slingshot. The orb appeared as if it had entered a dimension (it slingshotted through space and disappeared in less than a second).

One participant said the orb had moved so fast that it looked as though it was going through stages. The participant said they saw the orb and then morphed versions of the orb as if it was moving through space at speeds far faster than any aircraft.

It is important to note the area in which we saw this orb is heavily accessible by military helicopters and military aircrafts that routinely fly over the area, however, where the orb appeared was further, brighter and faster than any military aircraft that has ever flown past. There is 100% no way this was a military aircraft - there were no blinking lights.

It was first seen peering through the clouds and shot through them, moving outside of the Earth's atmosphere. It did not move like a meteor across the sky, but instead moved upward toward space.

The two adults are regular stargazers and are incredibly familiar with normal sightings in the sky (planets, stars, airplanes, missile launches, and meteors); this was completely abnormal.

Posted 2023-10-28

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