NUFORC Sighting 178153

Occurred: 2002-08-23 05:40 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-09-08 04:24 Pacific
Duration: unsure 15 20 min
No of observers: 0

Location: lawton, Fort Sill, OK, USA
Location details: outside of temporary barracks for my unit on Wilson road no longer there

Shape: Egg
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Missing Time

Off of duty, dark out ,alone 3 large red egg shaped things hovering 2 stories high or more with flickering flame

Just got off duty and was headed to the side door of my barracks and saw 3 large red translucent egg shaped objects hovering in field each had a flickering flame like center. I recall stopping and being stunned and confused at what I was seeing. It was dark outside and many of my unit would be getting off work also or going to work from the barracks and I remember looking around to find anyone that could verify what I was seeing. The parking lot behind me was still. Nobody coming or going. It struck me how odd that was and how dark it still was outside because sunrise happens quickly around shift change. I tried to walk closer to it into the grassy area I was standing in and they seemed to drift farther away. I remember standing there and not wanting to leave in case someone showed up. I recall thinking to myself and wondering why the sun hadn't come up yet. Then as the sun started to rise they seemed to fade into the light and disappear. Exhausted, elated and somewhat disappointed no one else was there to share that with I walked up the staircase on the side of the building entered the side door that led to my assigned room and went to bed. I have only shared that story in the past few years with my family. After that I had other situations but I haven't seen anything like that before or since.

Posted 2023-09-10

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