NUFORC Sighting 177999

Occurred: 2023-09-02 22:00 Local
Reported: 2023-09-02 20:50 Pacific
Duration: 15 mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Miami, FL, USA
Location details: Brickell Miami

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Large Triangle Craft Plus 2 smaller fast crafts or orbs

Taking my dog out I saw a triangle of 3 lights. There was another 2 lights/orbs/craft that was zipping around sometimes near the triangle, sometimes directly in the middle of the triangle craft, then nowhere, then near the ground. I thought at one point there were 3 zipping around but I'm not sure if the 3rd craft was a plane, a star, or part of these 2 craft. Sometimes that light (zippy craft) would blink out and reappear in a different location but always around the area of the triangle. At one point the other light passed between my line of sight and the triangle's bottom light and when it did that light on the triangle either went out or was obscured by this other craft/orb because for 5 seconds that light could not be seen. Seen in Mary Brickell Village Miami, looking out to the South West. I switched to video mode but my phone was too dark to see it well so I just kept clicking away in photo mode. My phone was at 5% and the screen went dark but I kept clicking away until it died. After 12 mins the 2 zippy crafts couldn't be seen any longer Then 3 mins later they disappeared, I did not see them leave a trail or shoot off, they just blinked out and were gone. My phone died a few mins before that. I tried changing the settings of my phone but it's much harder than I expected to take photos in the sky and now I know why everyones photos look like bigfoot photos! I was able to turn on the location metadata though and I took about 20-25 photos to hopefully get a few in focus. If you want the rest let me know. I picked the best 4.

Notation 1: I got the impression these 3 lights were connected to 1 craft, but I could not see the craft only the lights. So I am not 100% sure it was a triangle craft and not 3 orbs flying in a triangle formation. No blinking lights at all. Only 3 solid balls of light. They seemed to be changing from gold to white and the 1-2 zippy ones were usually white I think. The triangle craft was slowly moving and slightly rotating, and the zippy one was fast or it as over here then bam over there. (both speeds)

Notation 2: Yesterday for the first time ever, I downloaded the CE5 protocol App. and listened to a "Contact Meditation" and played all 5-6 contact tones. I don't know if this had anything to do with this sighting or the fact that now I'm interested in UAP and starting to keep looking up now whenever I go outside. Just thought I should note that though. Thank you for this site and the work NUFORC does. It's everything that MUFON should've been, but isn't. I recommend it on YouTube comments all the time.

Keep looking up! These things are not just in the middle of nowhere, I saw this in downtown Miami! So they have to be everywhere!

Posted 2023-09-10

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