NUFORC Sighting 99844

Occurred: 2013-07-04 20:55 Local
Reported: 2013-07-06 19:22 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Kingsville, MD, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Singular, bright white light mid sky seen at twilight, w/ no stars visible

At approximately 2055h on Thursday 7/4/13, my 8 year old child & I were driving on Rapheal rd towards Bradshaw rd.

I happened to look to my left, and in the sky there was what appeared to be one large, bright, stationary, circular light. It was so bright, white light almost--brighter than the sun. I pointed it out to my son after I realized that it was definitely stationary in the sky, & not just a plane moving towards us. It was higher in elevation than a plane would be, & the light shown steady, with no pulsing or flickering apparent.

As we turned left onto the next street, the object continued to remain in the same position. There was no sound from this object. The sky was free of clouds at the time and blue, with no stars visible yet. There was a slight southeast wind blowing.

It was the only bright light in the sky, and I have no explanation for it.

I am a trauma nurse, & I am extremely observant, with critical thinking skills that I utilize everyday. This was a UFO.

I tried to take a picture w/ my phone, but it wouldnt show up on my screen.

Posted 2013-07-14

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