NUFORC UFO Sighting 99815

Occurred: 2013-07-07 21:30 Local
Reported: 2013-07-06 21:11 Pacific
Duration: 1:30
No of observers: 2

Location: Countryside, IL, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Red lights slow moving and then moved into the clouds.

On my way with my girlfriend to get a late dinner, she asked me, "What kind of airplanes are like that?"

I looked up after being on my phone to what I thought would be a normal jet. What I saw was 2 small lights redish and they stayed the same distance from each other and moved very slow below the low cloud cover.

I just kept looking thinking to myself, "Aren't they supposed to keep the flashing lights on at that altitude?"

Just a bit after a jet at the same altitude as them flew by with all the lights on.

Shortly after the moved up into the cloud cover. I've never seen anything like that...

Gives me goose bumps thinking about it...

Thank you for your time.

Posted 2013-07-14

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