NUFORC UFO Sighting 99693
Occurred: 2013-07-04 22:00 LocalReported: 2013-07-05 07:40 Pacific
Duration: 12 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Hurst, TX, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
Strange light hovering and watching Fireworks display.
On this date and time,while watching the cities fireworks at the fourth of July festival, I, my wife and another individual witnessed a bright object hovering close to the level the fireworks were going off at. The object was very bright and did not make any sound as it would hover about a fourth of a mile from the fireworks, take off with incredible speed then reappear as if watching the fireworks. This lasted through the duration of the fireworks and when it ended, the object left from a hovering position and took off with incredible speed making no sound. I am an ex member of the Civil Air Patrol and have been trained to identify aircraft both civilian and military. With my knowledge of aircraft and Space Science in which I took in College, I can truly say that what I saw was an unknown aircraft or object to me.
Thank you.
Posted 2013-07-05
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