NUFORC UFO Sighting 99610

Occurred: 2013-07-04 01:00 Local
Reported: 2013-07-04 07:05 Pacific
Duration: 3
No of observers: 1

Location: Loma Rica, CA, USA

Shape: Orb

Red "ball" pulse once then out; white orb thought shooting star but really low and flashing light

Just fyi 8/12/96 I saw a triangular craft.

Last night, it was so hot couldn't get relief from heat my air conditioner is broken (strange because this is the same thing as in 8/12/96.)

Well, saw white orb like flash fall down on property (I have 5 acres in the country) like falling star almost even made a wish. Then came outside because too hot.

For two seconds really fast saw red circular orb object pulse and blink out. Very subtle if you are not paying attention. Then all night I saw strange flashes of light. Now these have been reported on and off in this area. Don't know if it was lightning?

I frankly believe differently on the origin of these things than I did in '96. Watched hundreds and hundreds of videos on this topic. I would have told you in '96, it was aliens/ufo.

Today, I am convinced that they are DEMONS. Seriously.

Posted 2013-07-05

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