NUFORC UFO Sighting 9846
Occurred: 1994-04-25 21:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 1999-09-20 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Pascagoula (approximate), MS, USA
Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Emitted beams
I saw a powerful multi-colored fan of laser-like light emanate from deep in a swamp while I was travelling by car, heading west on I-10 at night thru Mississippi. I appeared, then disappeared suddenly.
My thirteen year old son and I were travelling west on I-10 in April of 1994 en route to Los Angeles. At about 9:00 PM, or so, as we were passing thru the state of Mississippi (Pascagoula was the last sign I noted before the incident)we saw to the south and about two miles away, deep in thick swampland a huge prism of multi-colored and very brilliant light appear. It fanned out from a zero point at ground level and spread out with distance. The light did not diffuse or dim over distance. For the short time we saw it,(about two seconds)it seemed to stretch to infinity in the night sky. One other detail is that the angle changed and tilted upward slightly as we observed it. It was without doubt, the most brilliant light I've ever seen. I could also tell that this beam was a flat projection. The last detail worth noting is that my son and I both experienced severe panic following the sighting. I accelerated the car to very high speed until we came to the next brightly lit city (I think it was Baton Rouge, La.)
Posted 1999-10-02
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