NUFORC UFO Sighting 98371

Occurred: 1973-10-01 20:00 Local
Reported: 2013-06-03 09:56 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 8

Location: Bloomington, IN, USA

Shape: Orb

Three large bright white craft interacting & manuevering rapidly accross a quadrant of night sky.

The year is 1973, and the month is Oct. It is around 8:00 PM, clear skies and a full or nearly full moon. The location is southern central Indiana. I was attending graduate courses at Indiana University. I was a passenger in the front right seat and my children ages 4 & 5 yrs. were in the back seat. We were returning from an afternoon in nearby Brown Co. state park, having already stopped for food.. I was looking at the sky out the window to see if I could discern any constellations to point out to the children. I was startled to see three bright white large objects moving at great speed across approximately a quadrant of the sky. I asked my friend driving to pull over and stop, which he did; and we all got out to observe.

The objects appeared to be at a quite high altitude but definitely within the orbit of the moon as they several times crossed in front of the moon and were quite visible as they were much brighter. They were equal in size and appeared to be one sixth to one eighth the size of the moon. Their movements remained within a quadrant of the sky, exhibiting incredible speed even during right angle turns. My son commented that they were playing tag, which was an accurate description of their movements. Several times two of the objects approached very close and began to spin about one another. This maneuver reminded me of videos I’ve seen of eagles who lock talons in flight and spin about each other.

This activity continued for about 20 minutes, then they all departed outward toward space and within seconds were no longer visible. During this event two other cars stopped to observe, so a total number of witnesses was eight. When it was over everyone looked at each other somewhat wide eyed, and shrugging shoulders got back in their respective vehicles and departed as well. No one spoke to each other. I didn’t know any of the other witnesses and never saw any of them again.


One of three very nice reports from the same witness. PD

Posted 2013-07-03

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