NUFORC UFO Sighting 9818
Occurred: 1999-09-05 06:15 LocalReported: 1999-09-19 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Durham, NH, USA
Shape: Rectangle
We saw a white rectangular-shaped object very high in the eastern sky moving very slowly.
While driving east on Route 4 in Durham, NH we saw, very high in the sky, a large (for that high) object that was moving very slowly. As it was white in color, it looked like the shape of one of space shuttles, but without the nose or tail fins. There were no markings. It definitely too big to be a plane up that high. We watched it for a few seconds move south to north, then it disappeared behind a cloud. I watched for it for several minutes, but I couldn't find it again. Living in rural NH I have seen at least two other UFO's - the first was on Nov. 1, 1989. A bright light caught my attention, then, separately, a huge triangle shaped object hung low in the air making no sound. We have also seen series of white lights forming a large V fly over the area a few years ago. We have also woken to bright lights shining in our 2nd floor bedroom windows from above late at night - with no sound associated with aircraft. My kids (who have both witnessed these events) think I'm weird, but as a professional working in investments, my feet are pretty well on the ground. My first sighting in 1989, however, did change my life.
Posted 1999-10-02
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