NUFORC UFO Sighting 98169
Occurred: 1975-12-25 23:00 LocalReported: 2013-05-27 11:35 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Tampa, FL, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Zig Zagging Star Over Tampa Florida
Mc Donalds Christmas nightime party. Upper deck 1975. Witness was an Airforce personnel who worked part time named Luis I believe.
We saw a triangular bright looking star and watched it go straight, zig zag, zooming up and down. I asked him is that a new air craft on Mc Dill AFB? He said no! A plane or craft we have cannot move like that. No one was on the rooftop but us at that time so he told me never to tell because people would think we were nuts. He had his career to think about.
I will never forget it. I was about 16 or so I believe. I am now getting up in age so I want it known and wonder if any other people living in Tampa saw this? We could not have been the only ones. It looked like a star it was so bright and high in the sky. He said this thing must be larger than what we were seeing! Just need someone to know this information in case anything ever happens to me.
Date above is approximate. PD
Posted 2013-06-02
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