NUFORC UFO Sighting 97863

Occurred: 2013-05-18 23:00 Local
Reported: 2013-05-18 21:14 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Evansville, IN, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Several red lights taking off from the groundin a row, following each other evenly spaced apart.

We witnessed 6 or 7 red lights traveling low to the ground off in the distance. These lights were evenly spaced apart and seemed to be taking off from the ground and launching in succession. They were north of us and traveling towards the west. They were too far away to hear any sound, but were following each other, one after another after another. It was unlike anything any of us had ever seen before.


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2013-06-02

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