NUFORC UFO Sighting 9750
Occurred: 1999-08-23 14:15 LocalReported: 1999-09-15 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 mins
No of observers: 1
Location: Ozark, MO, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby, Electrical or magnetic effects
Silver-Gray Disk Hovering Directly Over My Residence
On August 23, 1999, at approx. 14:15 p.m. CST I witnessed a silver-gray disk hovering over my residence. I was sitting in my office at my residence, using the Internet, and listening to my police scanners. The Christian County Sheriff's office dispatcher started having problems communicating with all of their patrol cars in the field. (freq. 155.565 transmit and receive) I could hear a humming sound that was effecting the radio and I could hear the humming in my office. I thought that we had just had a power surge that effected the town of Ozark, MO, and that is what I was hearing. About five minutes had past and I was still hearing the humming and the dispatcher was getting frantic. She called Radiophone Engineering, Inc. ( the people who handle radio problems ). I was very interested about the humming so I finally walked outside my residence. Looking to the west, I saw nothing, the sky was mostly clear but a bit overcast. As I walked down my front porch, I noticed a silver-gray disk object directly above my residence towards the southeast. It was approx. 100 yards long and 15 feet high, it was tilted at about 25 degrees towards the earth. I live next to the power transformers for my subdivision, and the disk just hovered approx. 250 feet above me and the power lines for at least twenty minutes. The humming sound continued constantly. The disk had a blue, then white, then red light coming from the bottom moving in a perfect circle. The sheriff's dispatcher was still having problems with her radio transmissions as I continued to hear on my police scanner. It then moved directly from the southeast to northwest of my location, along the Finley river that runs through the town and disappeared strait upward. Special notes: Sheriff's radio cleared up after the disk left the area. Brake lights on two vehicles at Dennis Hanks Chevrolet dealership where stuck on ( two calls to the ozark police department as heard on the scanner). Many ozark citizens standing on main street right after the event looking into the sky. Five minutes of time was ADDED to my watch. Many jet aircraft and helicopters where heard and seen around ozark for approx. one hour after the event. Earthquake occurred at New Madrid fault line ( southeast tip of Missouri ) approx. four hours before this sighting. Well, this is my first UFO report, I would never ever believed it, until I witnessed it for myself!
Posted 1999-10-02
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