NUFORC UFO Sighting 9733
Occurred: 1999-02-03 13:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 1999-09-14 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5-10mins
No of observers: 5
Location: Hamilton (New Zealand), , New Zealand
Shape: Circle
Small metalic ball, flashing like a beacon on a sunny afternoon, with scattered clouds. It seems to move around in an odd fasion, appearing close at times, and distant at others. I managed to get a video camera on it for a couple of minutes.
It was on a nice sunny day around lunch time. I was sitting with my girlfriend in her back lawn. A shinny/glimmering/metalic object caught my eye in the sky above me. I showed my girlfriend and we both were mystified as to what it was. It seemed to be appearing on and off like a beacon, visible one moment, gone the next. It seemed to also be appearing close to us at one instant, and very far away the next. The object seemed to stay close to the clouds. I ran into my girlfriends house and grabbed her mothers video camera, and told here family that there was a strange object in the sky. They also came outside and agreed it was odd. I managed to record about 2-3 minutes of footage before the object dissapeared. Recording quality was poor as it was a fairly old video camera, but the object is still highly visible. I am a 20 year old male, studying Marine Sciences at Hamilton University. My girlfriend is 18 years old and works fulltime. Her perants who also witnessed the object are 48-50 years.
Posted 1999-10-02
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