NUFORC UFO Sighting 9709

Occurred: 1999-06-28 21:30 Local
Reported: 1999-09-12 00:00 Pacific
Duration: few seconds,twice
No of observers: 1

Location: Cedar Park, TX, USA

Shape: Cylinder

Watching the full moon with binoculars(6/28/99 9:30 cst) I witnessed two objects cross left to right,steady speed,appeared close to the moon,no lights,dark against the light of full moon. They traveled about five minutes apart.

This is a discription of the events I witnessed on 6/28/99 from the pages of my day planner. I saw something strange. We was looking at the full moon at about 9:30pm cst with my binoculars when an object flew in the light of the moon from left to right. The event lasted a few seconds. It looked dark, no lights, elongated, steady speed, it appeared to be close to he moon. The moon was full and clear(you can easily see craters etc.) My wife was with me at the time though we only have one pair of binoculars. I was so surprised that I continued to watch the moon and about five minutes later I saw a similiar object move from left to right across the bottom quarter of the moon. It looked longer or closer then the first sighting. It was similiar to the first, no lights, black against the moon, Steady speed. I thought I saw a sparkle the second time as it left the light of the moon and into the darkness. We were in our backyard at the time of the sighting.

Posted 1999-10-02

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