NUFORC UFO Sighting 96981

Occurred: 2013-04-05 20:30 Local
Reported: 2013-04-05 19:09 Pacific
Duration: 4-5 minutes

Location: Kitty Hawk, NC, USA

Shape: Light

Several bright yellowish lights moving south and gaining altitude until they disappeared.

Saw 4 or 5 yellow lights over the ocean while driving south couple blocks from the beach. They seemed to be a hundred yards above the ocean and about the same distance from shore. Stopped at the beach to get a better look. A few of them had disappeared, and the remaining we're almost too Hightower be seen. Two new ones appeared low over the water to the north. By this time, the remaining original lights had disappeared. The two new ones moved south toward me, gaining altitude until they were no longer visible. It took about two minutes or less for these last two objects to move south past me and rise out of sight. These objects were bright yellowish-orange lights. They did not appear to have any shape other than the light itself. However, the last object I saw the clearest, since I was able to see it at its low altitude. It seemed to have some red in the light. I did not have a camera or phone with me. I have never researched UFOs, seen one, or even believe! d in them (until now).

Posted 2013-05-15

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