NUFORC UFO Sighting 9693

Occurred: 1990-04-10 20:35 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-09-12 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 4 nights
No of observers: 5

Location: Buena Park, CA, USA

Characteristics: Emitted beams

The event was not a UFO as we can determine but a Bluish/Green Laser Beam.

This happened about 9 or 10 years ago. ((name deleted)) and Me went out back in the pool area and I first saw a Bluish/Green area in the clouds looking towards North. At first I thought it might be a plane or something but it didn't move. I pointed this out to ((name deleted)) and Me . Calling ((name deleted)) and ((name deleted)) and ((name deleted)) out they saw it too. Staring at it((name deleted))and ((name deleted)) and ((name deleted)) ou said "It's a Laser beam" After following his directions, it was a Bluish/Green beam going from North to SouthEast. It was curious because it did not angle Down or up from the earth. We concluded it must have been transversing the sky in space. We called every organization we could think of and no one else reported anything and they tried to suggest that it was from Disney land?? It was not from there, it was in space cutting across our atmosphere. It was there at about 8:35pm or 9:35pm four about an hour. After awhile above us there were 4 or 5 giant orange flashes, no sound. Our conclusion after some more investigation; The space shuttle just happened to be in orbit at these times and the above occurred for about 3 day's after our initial sighting. The flashes however were only seen by us that first night. This happened almost 10 years ago and we are reasonably sure that it was some test by the government in our space shuttle program. I heard you on Artbell and decided to get this off my chest since you sounded sincere in trying to collect data on sightings of various events. It was a laser beam tested 10 years ago. No doubt in our minds. What it shot at? What were the large orange flashes? Somebody knows but not us. Thanks for letting me post this in your database. I hope the truth someday comes out about these things. Sincerely and with Kind Regards, -((personal data deleted))

Posted 1999-10-02

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