NUFORC UFO Sighting 96756

Occurred: 1981-01-21 17:00 Local
Reported: 2013-03-23 16:18 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Chula Vista, CA, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail

Blimp shaped craft floating over I805 January 21, 1981 5pm

I was 31 years old at the time , single and working as a technician for At&t.

On January 21, 1981 I was on my way to a wedding in Bonita, California called the Chapel of the Roses. I was coming from west Chula Vista. I came down E St. heading east and got lost. I grew up there so I was surprised that i was lost.

In those days Bonita still had farmland up in the hills and I found myself near one and on a dirt road with a great view overlooking I805 looking west. It was still light with little clouds. I saw the Goodyear Blimp over the freeway which wasn't unusual, although this one had lights covering the ENTIRE body, not just a screened area. The lights moved clockwise together vertically, row by row. I was actually enjoying watching it just floating over the freeway very slowly and calmly going in and out of small clouds and not too high. Blimp height, just like a blimp.

While I was watching this and thinking how I hadn't ever seen a blimp like this, it suddenly took off upward sooo fast leaving a trail toward the south. My hair stood on end. I realized it was dark now and shook all the way down the hill. I found the Chapel and was still shaking when I told my friends. No one believed me.

I did report it to a UFO reporting sight where you could call in the sighting. The guy who took my report said there were no other reports in that area that night. I no longer remember what reporting entity it was but it was in Washington State.

Posted 2013-04-12

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