NUFORC UFO Sighting 96489

Occurred: 2013-03-01 19:20 Local
Reported: 2013-03-02 19:38 Pacific
Duration: 45-60 seconds
No of observers: 3

Location: Lake Jackson, TX, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object

Bright yellow-orange light decending onto Lake Jackson,TX.

During the late evening of Friday March 01, 2013, approximately around 7:20pm, as I stepped outside my front door to move my car that had been parked on the side of the lawn back onto the driveway...there it was. A yellow-orange light shining too brightly and decending against the darkening sky. The other stars that were visisble at that moment had no comparision to what I was looking at. I immediately knew then that this wasn't normal.

I ran inside and yelled, "There's fire in the sky!" to my husband, who was eating dinner and he and our 8yr. old daughter both came out to the driveway to witness the phenomenon.

My heart was beating fast as we stood there all three of us, pointing at the brightly lit object that was decending from the sky. As it was moving, the light was diminishing and curved into a cloud far away and just disappeared into the night.

My husband tried to record it with his iphone video camera,only to realize it didn't record. We were all in awe of what we had just seen.

I am open to believe that this could've been a meteror or falling star,but honestly this bight lighted object left no trail of fire behind and the movement of the object and how it disappeared was simply unreal. Whatever it was...I wonder if we'll ever know.

Posted 2013-03-03

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