NUFORC UFO Sighting 96286
Occurred: 2009-02-13 21:07 LocalReported: 2013-02-12 17:10 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Melissa, TX, USA
Shape: Other
Red orb, no noise, stationary for about 30 minutes, above farmland with horses & cattle, black choppers in the same area next day.
This took place over a herd of cattle. The orb was red, glowing and bright. It stayed in one position for about 30 minutes above the tree line. It wasn't a star, or planet. I didn't make any noise. It wasn't an aircraft....I watched it for a while to see if it would move. It didn't.
I got my husband to come out to see it...
After taking photos of the event, I was surprised to see ????? Everything is in focus. The trees can be seen with the telephone poles and my fence post line.... Nothing is blurred or out of focus.
The next day we had black choppers all over the place for about 30 minutes. It was as if they were looking for something.... And I didn't take photos of the choppers.
I wished I would have, but I didn't. It has been about 4 year since the sighting and I have noticed that others are coming forward now also.... I know what I saw... I HAVE PHOTOS TO SUBMIT.
Posted 2013-02-18
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