NUFORC UFO Sighting 96240

Occurred: 2013-01-27 21:00 Local
Reported: 2013-02-07 15:26 Pacific
Duration: ~2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Kelso, WA, USA

Shape: Other

Strange humanoid encounter. No crafts seen.

I am a 40 year old male from Kelso WA. On Sunday night, January 27th 2013, about 9pm, I was taking a walk. When I am out walking, I am very observant, always looking to the right and left. I don't want someone coming up on me, possibly to rob me. I try to stay on guard. I did not see anyone around. All of a sudden, I look to my left and there is this girl. It was like she appeared out of no where. I did not hear her approaching. She was about 4 feet from me. Normally if someone is walking close by, I can hear them. The girl appeared to be in her early 20's. She was about 5' tall and small framed. I could tell she was an adult and not a child. She had shoulder length bright blonde hair that looked almost white. Her eyes were black with no white showing. She was wearing sweat pants and a hoodie, but the hood was not covering her head.

When I saw her, I said, "Hi, how you doing this evening?" She mumbled something, but I could not hear what she said.

She moved her head back and forth as she stood there checking me out curiously. I felt there was something not quite right about her and felt a definite chill. Though it was cold outside, the chill was not due to the weather. I cautiously took a few steps towards her and she backed up. In a moment she took off running, but not like any human or animal I had ever seen. She ran with a fluid movement and there was no sound as her feet hit the ground. She disappeared out of sight.

Something just did not see right about her. I have never seen anyone like her before or since.

Posted 2013-02-18

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