NUFORC UFO Sighting 96204
Occurred: 2013-02-05 01:30 LocalReported: 2013-02-05 08:07 Pacific
Duration: 45+ minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Santa Fe, NM, USA
Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Colo
UFO over Santa Fe, NM, possibly disk shaped, stationary, with light rays of various colors emanating from it.
I believe it was disk shaped but it was a dark (non-starry) sky, so it was hard to see. At first I thought it was Venus, but then realized it was too early for Venus. My bedroom window faces west. I turned off the bedroom lights and watched it some more, thinking it was an aircraft, but it didn't move closer or further away.
So next, I assumed it was a helicopter, since it was over the general area of the 599 road/Old Agua Fria Village, but it remained fairly high, 1/4 mile up (estimate). As I watched it, it seemed to be shooting out lights, to the side, downward at angles, and to the sides at slight angles. Periodically it glowed across the top (giving a disk-shaped appearance). The lights were white and also bright-colored, and shot like rays, rapidly, and not far out from the craft. I watched it for about 45 minutes. I thought of taking pictures, but then figured no one would believe me, plus my cell phone probably couldn't capture the image in the! dark sky anyway.
I am partially handicapped too, otherwise I would have gone outside to try and photograph it. But I live alone, and that would have been dangerous for me. My dog was here, and she remained asleep on the couch the whole time. Finally I just thought, "Well, if I'm seeing it, someone else probably is too," so I threw the covers over my head and went to sleep. I woke up later (3:30 a.m.) and it was gone.
I got up, went to the bathroom and kitchen, where I could see the moon low on the horizon, in the south-east sky.
This morning I checked the news but didn't see any reports, so I figured I'd leave one here. I am 54 years old, female, and not prone to hallucinations. I usually discount UFO reports. All of which is to say, I saw something strange enough that I am reporting it here.
Posted 2013-02-18
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