NUFORC UFO Sighting 96198
Occurred: 2013-02-04 19:36 LocalReported: 2013-02-04 17:56 Pacific
Duration: Seconds
Location: Nashua, NH, USA
Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Lights on object
UFO sighting in Nashua NH, 02/03/2013
At 7:36 pm tonight I saw a UFO. It was off exit 6. I saw what looked like a plane traveling from the east but as it got closer I realized it was in the shape of a diamond and had lights on the left side.
It hovered for several seconds. I then saw another object moving toward the UFO. I thought it was a plane that might hit it but it stopped and hovered next to UFO. It was a lot smaller then other one.
I got off the next exit so I could go back to exit 6. When I got back to that area the larger UFO was still there! I went back again but it was then gone. It was large and definitely in the shape of a diamond. It hovered for several seconds!
Posted 2013-02-18
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