NUFORC UFO Sighting 96195

Occurred: 2013-02-04 08:55 Local
Reported: 2013-02-04 13:02 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Shape: Other

Small kidney bean shaped UFO over plaza-midwood (east side of charlotte) midmorning

Two of us (one adult male and one adult female) were witnesses to this sighting. At the intersection of North Davidson and 11th street, near the onramp to 277 we observed an object hovering stationary in the sky toward the East/South, roughly over the Eastern side of Plaza- Midwood area, could be directly over Central and Hawthorne. It was on a Monday morning at around 8:55 AM.

Upon entering 277, we watched the object stay stationary and kept it in visual range until the beltway passed the exit for 4th and 3rd street, roughly 2 minutes. During that time the object did not change position. It struck us as odd because it was not behaving like an airplane or bird, and was too low in the sky for an airplane other than for an approach to landing or takeoff. It was in the right location for a large bird, but it was not flapping any wings or gliding.

The oddest part was the shape, which is difficult to describe but I will do my best: It was kind of a lopsided "kidney bean" shape, vertically oriented and proportioned so that the upper half was slightly larger than the other, rounded, and slightly curved or -c shaped.

It was too far away to make out any discernible details, but it appeared to have a surface texture or facets, and did not appear smooth and shiny. After we were out of visual range, and I was dropped off at work, my counterpart returned to the area about 10 minutes later, but the object was missing.

Posted 2013-02-18

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