NUFORC UFO Sighting 9577

Occurred: 1999-09-06 19:15 Local
Reported: 1999-09-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 20 min
No of observers: 2

Location: Frankfort/New Lenox, IL, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Left a trail

First noticed object in Western sky, like a craft with a small contrail.As veiwing object it seemed to look like a cigar shape. My husband and I parked off the road for a few minutes to watch,then noticed one craft like object over sunset and then another to the right of the sun. The sun was very low in the horizon.After a few minutes the two on the right seemed to move one ontop of the other.As we began to travel South on Rt. 45 they stayed in view until the sun went down and could not be seen any more. They did not seem to be moving.

The first object we seen seemed to change shape. From a craft with contrail to just a cigar shape. The other two were just cigar shapped objects. After the two on the right moved close to one another they stayed that way until we could not see them any longer. We started to travel and their are many corn fields obstructing our view some of the time. I did not see the two move they just seemed all of a sudden to be one ontop of the other. They were oblong or cigar in shape. After the sun went down we could no longer see anything. They were very far from us not close at all.Would like to know if anyone else seen this.

Posted 1999-09-12

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