NUFORC UFO Sighting 95404

Occurred: 2012-12-21 21:10 Local
Reported: 2012-12-21 22:26 Pacific
Duration: 7 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Castle Rock, WA, USA

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo

Bright Red/Orange Glowing Lights Moving in Specific NW Direction, No Sound

This evening, starting at 910pm, PST, in Castle Rock, WA, I was walking a friend to her vehicle when we saw several bright orange/red orbs floating in the sky, in a specific NW direction, heading towards Highway 5. We live in the woods where there is little to no external light. We have seen several light phenomena's in the past during the late spring that consisted of bright white flashes of light for several hours from approximately 2300 - 0200, but nothing like this. There were first 4-5 bright glowing orbs travelling relatively the same trajectory path, and they passed for several minutes, continuuing NW. I have recorded what I could with my cell phone. Moments after seeing the first group of light, three more came passing by, nearly following the path of Hwy 5. They were relatively low, with no sounds as that which an aircraft would make. We did call our local police dispatch number to see if there were other reports of sightings, checking to see if the! re was a military operation going on, or something similar. The dispatcher basically dismissed my call. My friend and neighbor both saw the lights I saw. I have a background in Aviation as well as majored in Environmental Science with a focus on Climatology/Paleo-Climatology. The lights were not like lights one would see from solar flares, I have seen solar flares in the past. They were moving horizontally. The Wind was SSE 18G, 23MPH. This is from the NOAA Website for Portland, OR - nearest location: Winds Aloft Forecast - PDX 1616 1827-05 1931-12 2034-17 2140-31 2262-45 227955 226355 215453 In researching who to contact as I realized this was not a normal occurrence here, I found your website, where to my amazement, I also found the pilot's report from our same basic geographic location. I am not sure what to think. We often have low flying helicopters fly over, following that path as well as planes, but these things were not either planes nor helicopters. There was a very slight breeze, and I don't believe them to be the floating lanterns which have become popular, as the trajectory path was consistent, low, and moving NW, against the SSE Winds. They appeared to come from the SE, over a mountain range.

Posted 2013-02-04

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