NUFORC UFO Sighting 95389

Occurred: 2012-12-20 21:40 Local
Reported: 2012-12-21 14:58 Pacific
Duration: 7 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Yelm, WA, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo

Oval Craft With Funnel Bottom and Bright Magnificent Blue Light racing through night sky

Thursday 12-20-2012 I stepped out to my back porch last night around 9:21 pm to look at the stars and get my hot tub ready to sit in. I used my cell phone to look at google’s sky map of celestial arrangement of the planets on the historic evening , finding Jupiter and Orion, the Moon and Uranus quite visible in the sky. Many stars very brilliant in the cold night. I put away my cell phone , went inside and got shorts on for hot tub. I returned to get in , and instantly was visually drawn to a magnificent light in the low sky just above the rooftop of my backyard neighbors.

Just above my neighbors rooftop I saw a bright brilliant magnificent blue light revolving on an object in the sky. I tried to decipher what kind of craft it was immediately as I live near military base JBLM and see frequently, aircraft in sky, especially helicopters. Instantly I started realizing this object was neither, by its unusual motion and the shape and changing colors!! Its shape, as I focused, was that of an oval shape with a funnel bottom. It moved quickly from right to left, faster than anything I’ve ever seen , pausing, then left to right, again pausing as it slowly moved farther away and lower in the skyline .It had a pendular curve to its motion also, back and forth. All the while the most amazing light emanating from it, changing though, from blue to bright white. But, this Light was Rectangular, pronounced along the length of the craft . I would say the craft was rotating its orientation rather than its lights changing , because it was constant, like white lights in front and blue in rear .

Suddenly , as I stared , I recalled a similar incident my wife witnessed nearly 3 weeks prior in the same location. I broke site for a quick moment to yell in my house to my wife to come outside. I returned to viewing object , trying to decipher more about its make up , seeing more clearly its shape , and realizing more and more this was not aircraft.

My wife did not make it out in time to see as it disappeared on horizon beyond rooftops . this happened approximately within 7 minutes I’d guess. I instantly told her what I witnessed questioning it with what she had seen 3 weeks prior. As we talked we confirmed each others sighting as the same thing. We continued the next morning to discuss shape size and color, individually confirming each others belief of what we saw. Because of this, I’ve decided I had to report in hopes others have seen, and that possibly, others will watch for more occurences as my wife and I are now interested in doing .

Also, I state that this is no way a Star !!! It was a craft of some type, and upon viewing it, you would understand and agree easily.

Thank you!

Posted 2012-12-21

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