NUFORC UFO Sighting 95384
Occurred: 2012-12-20 06:45 LocalReported: 2012-12-21 12:50 Pacific
Duration: 10-15 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Legrand, IA, USA
Shape: Flash
The bluish green flashes of light at the end of this snow storm were kinda freaky.
On the way home from work 12-20-12 at approx. 6:45am-7:00am traveling east bound on highway 30 in Marshall Co. a coworker and I were traveling slowly due to a bad snow storm.
As we traveled down the hilly highway we saw a semi that had become stuck in the westbound lane. We began to go up the hill toward the town of Le Grand I saw a flash of light then another on the south side of the highway. It was a bluish green; it seemed to be coming from the little town. I thought it was fire trucks coming to the aid of the semi driver.
I saw another flash as we came to the top of the hill, no fire trucks. Another flash, then I thought lightning or a transformer had blown up.
As we came past the town there was nothing. I didn’t know what to think. We continued to travel home there was another flash of the greenish blue light.
I had never seen anything like that light. Wasn’t white like lightning.
Posted 2012-12-21
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