NUFORC UFO Sighting 95041
Occurred: 2012-12-07 20:00 LocalReported: 2012-12-07 07:16 Pacific
Duration: 3 hours
No of observers: 6
Location: Belgaum (India), , India
Shape: Sphere
Dear sir , Me and my frnd had gone for a evening walk , at 18:30 We saw a star like object move in sky rapidly It moved from SW to N
Dear sir , Me and my frnd had gone for a evening walk , at 18:30 We saw a star like object move in sky rapidly It moved from SW to NE direction paralleled and moved fast about for 1 minute Then disminshed , we were puzzled .
I came back home and then told my wife about it And was showing her which part this event took place in sky , suddenly we spotted something again Move . This time the distance star like object moved , we though it was a satellite .
Then ran on top of my terrace with binoculars and again spotted strange lights move in sky This time it moved like a kite in circles also called every body , all saw the strange phenomena It is just I hr back ,
Posted 2012-12-20
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