NUFORC UFO Sighting 95026
Occurred: 2012-12-06 18:45 LocalReported: 2012-12-06 19:07 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Canajoharie, NY, USA
Shape: Chevron
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby
1 Large Chevron Object Flies Directly Overhead In Early Evening
My son and I decided to walk, instead of drive, the half-mile up to our local high school to see his sister perform in her winter concert. When we reached the football field, normally a great place to see the stars, we noticed a very bright light towards the east and just below Jupiter. Within a few seconds, we both heard rotor chop and realized it was just a helicopter flying in our general direction.
A few moments later, and in the same general direction, we saw a meteor streak vertically downwards across the sky and burn up perhaps 10 degrees above the horizon. As my son and I both commented on how “cool” of a sight that was, we both noticed a fuzzy patch of light above orion’s belt and just behind where the helicopter was and meteor trail had been. This fuzzy patch grew larger until we realized it was a boomerang or chevron-shaped object moving faster and higher than the helicopter. As it flew directly over us I noted it made no sound, had numerous equally-spaced fuzzy lights that looked like streams of whitish plasma on it front wing tips, and spanned about 5-6° of angular separation from wing-tip to wing-tip. It moved from east to west, directly over us, and as it passed the lights on one side looked like they moved around or wavered underneath. My son said it best in that one side appeared to “morph” into a different shape. All I can think of is that somehow t! his thing was refracting light like crazy in order to change shape like that.
The size was impossible to determine, as I didn’t know its elevation. It was, however, low enough (or big enough) to block out the stars behind it. As it faded into the west, my son was both exited and scared that it might come back. We continued on to the concert.
I teach high school science (including astronomy) and am very familiar with the local skies in this area. This was not a jet, blimp, or anything else normal. Not even close.
Posted 2012-12-20
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