NUFORC UFO Sighting 95025

Occurred: 2012-12-06 18:47 Local
Reported: 2012-12-06 18:47 Pacific
Duration: 10-15 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Denton, TX, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Five glowing fiery lights seen looking north from U. of North Texas campus before slowly vanishing.

I was walking on the campus of the University of North Texas, and as I made the corner around a building and turned due north, I saw 5 glowing, fiery, orange lights in the sky. I don't know how far away they were or how high they were as I couldn't make out exactly what they were and therefore couldn't judge depth at all, but the angle between me and where the objects were was under 45 degrees, probably around 30 degrees. To clarify, I was looking at the objects through telephone wires that were across the street from me, probably 30-50 feet away. I instinctively took out my phone to record a video, but unfortunately the video shows absolutely nothing. I stopped filming after 9 seconds of video because I realized that it wasn't working properly, and as I did so the lights had already started fading. The entire ordeal lasted probably about 15 seconds, and within 2-3 seconds after I stopped filming, all of the lights had entirely disappeared.

So to quickly summarize without unnecessary detail, there were 5 orange, fiery, glowing lights slowly moving in the sky. They were due north of the UNT campus and were drifting downwards in the sky, so I'm assuming they were moving north (or falling, I guess). Some were brighter than others, but all 5 were much, much brighter than any star. Their formation didn't necessarily look organized, but it didn't exactly look scattered either, and their movements were virtually uniform. Over the course of 15 seconds, the lights faded and ceased one by one.

There is a lot of light pollution on campus, and that is why this was so startling to me at first. You could probably count the number of stars you could see from where I was on two hands because of the light pollution. If you were to look at the UNT campus map, I was walking between the Auditorium Building and Hickory Hall towards W Hickory Street, and was probably 10-15 feet in front of the Auditorium Building when I saw the UFO. Hickory is a busy street but there was absolutely nothing that could have caused what I saw from the streets, nor from anywhere else in my surrounding environment. The only logical explanations I could come up with, outside of extraterrestrial-related things of course, are that it could have been a flare gun that I caught right as it was dissipating (which, to be frank, I do not know if that is actually a feasible explanation or not based on what I saw because I have no experience with flare guns), or that it could have been the remnants of a broken up meteorite that were burning up slowly in the atmosphere, but my issue with that theory is that they were seemingly way too bright to be that, however again, I do not know the exact details of how that looks so I can't be sure.

Ultimately, I have no explanation at the moment for what I saw. And that is both amazing and frightening.

Posted 2012-12-20

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