NUFORC UFO Sighting 95003

Occurred: 2012-12-05 21:30 Local
Reported: 2012-12-05 22:44 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 30

Location: King of Prussia, PA, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object

Saw 3 brightly lit oval whitish-green craft flying in line formation over King of Prussia at night. One very fast.

I was in my truck driving west on I-76 near US 202 on 12/05/2012 at aprox. 9:30PM, when I saw 3 extra bright lights following each other like planes do when they are in a flight path. They were probably about a mile or 2 high and about a half mile apart, but it was hard to tell from the ground. (It may have been less becuse i could see the objects fairly well, even at night.) What was strange was how much light was coming from them on all sides of the objects. I said there were 30 witnesses, because other drivers on the highway were slowing down to look at them and several had pulled over to the shoulder and were standing outside their cars.

The lights were dazzlingly bright and were shining away from the craft on all sides like spotlights and were so bright that I could see that the objects were oval and greenish white overall with no windows. I also slowed down and observed a stranger thing. The lead light/object made an abrupt left turn almost 270 degrees and headed directly toward the second light. The second light never changed course or speed, but the one that turned accelerated to an unbelievable speed and shot past the second one so closely that I thought they would collide. For an instant, both craft were lit up by a little more and I saw them better.

The one that sped up, continued to increase speed until it almost instantly disappeared past the tree/hill line. I never saw anything move that fast before or turn like that, including all of the jets I'd seen at Air shows. I had opened my window early on to see better and also noticed that the craft were completely silent. I exited the highway onto S. Gulph Rd and could see the 2 remaining craft very distinctly through the tree branches and again when I stopped on Croton Rd and watched them until they too disappeared over the tree line. All the while, other drivers were slowing and stopping to see them from every angle.

I am a 52 year old retired computer technician, now raising and training dogs. I may have seen strange lights in the sky and have watched meteor showers and such in remote areas, but this was unlike any other experience I've had and it was over a major highway and a moderately populated area. I don't usually see many planes in this area, but sometimes there are traffic helicopters around during the day.

Posted 2012-12-20

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