NUFORC UFO Sighting 9494

Occurred: 1997-06-21 00:00 Local
Reported: 1999-09-01 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 3

Location: Libertyville, IL, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

I saw a disc shaped object glowing with a very bright, white light. It was the brightest and softest light I have ever seen. Even though it was so bright, it didn't hurt my eyes to look at it.

At about midnight on Saturday, 6/21/97, I was turning from Route 120 south onto O'Plaine Road. It was a nice, warm summer night with just a few wispy clouds and the full moon in the eastern sky. I was looking southwest and I saw a bright white light bouncing above the treetops. I turned south onto O'Plaine Road and as I drove I could just barely see the light through the trees. I turned west onto Route 137 to go to Old St. Mary's Road. When I turned south onto Old St. Mary's Road I could clearly see that the UFO was a disc shaped object glowing with a very bright, white light. It was the brightest and softest light I have ever seen. Even thought it was so bright, it didn't hurt my eyes to look at it. The light illumi- nated the trees all around it. The disc was hovering over a house on the west side of Old St. Mary's Road about a half mile south of Route 137. When I was about a quarter mile from the disc it moved to hover over the center of the road directly ahead of me for a few seconds. But, it didn't make a straight line to the road. The disc made a ninety degree angle to the south and then to the center of the road. Then it made another 90 degree angle and hovered over the left side of the road. After a few seconds it made another 90 degree angle and returned to it's position over the house. By this time I was driving very slowly past the house and I looked up through my windshield at the disc. I could now see that there was a vapor or haze emanating from the outermost edges of the disc. I also noticed that there was no sound coming from the disc but I could hear nature sounds and the sound of my car. I passed the house and drove around a curve. At this point I couldn't see the disc or the light anymore. I had some important things to do at home the next day or I would have stopped and looked at the disc more. All in all, it was a very exciting and thriling sighting.

Posted 1999-09-12

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