NUFORC UFO Sighting 94613

Occurred: 1950-04-15 14:00 Local
Reported: 2012-11-18 18:56 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 9

Location: Waynesborough, VA, USA

Shape: Disk

9 Students of Fishburne Military School Witness Saucer Shaped Object from ROTC Drill Field in 1950

I am entering this for my 80 year-old father who has told the story to me many times. He has regretted not having reported the sighting previously and I wanted to make sure that the event was recorded on his behalf. He says that his biggest regret to this day is that he wishes that he had yelled out so that all of the teachers and kids on the field could have seen it.

However, he was afraid that he would have gotten in trouble for calling out at the time.

Fishburne Military School is located in the Shenandoah valley of Virginia, within the city limits of Waynesborough.

Text of Report:

"While on the drill field during my junior year, I noticed a silver (metallic) saucer-shaped craft flying from just outside the city limits to DuPont which it circled at least two times at a very slow rate of speed (about the speed of a Piper Cub - which is what I thought it was at first). It was at low altitude (about half the elevation of the mountains that surround town) which I would estimate to be 2000 feet or so.

We were approximately 1/2 mile from the object at the closest point and we heard no sound from the object.

After circling DuPont twice the saucer turned on it side at a 90 degree angle and shot over the mountain at a tremendous speed. It left so quickly that all we saw was a flash.

I had whispered to the other members of my squad which contained 9 members, and I believe most, if not all of them witnessed the ufo."


We spoke via telephone with the gentleman who witnessed the object, and we found him to be exceptionally eloquent and sincere in his description of the event. His recollection of the circumstances of the sighting seemed to us to be crystal clear. We believe that the witness is an exceptionally qualified observer. PD

Posted 2012-11-19

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