NUFORC UFO Sighting 93793
Occurred: 2004-03-10 00:00 LocalReported: 2012-10-22 23:01 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Merlo (Argentina), , Argentina
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo
It seemed to me that the craft enjoyed looking at us that night, don´t know what would ve happened if we hadn´t keep a safe distance..
Hello, Im from Argentina and I always check your web site, so I decided to add my personal experience although this event is not recent.
Im sorry if my English isn´t that good, I hope you appreciate the the truth of my experience Me and my brother went on vacations to San Luis, this state and Cordoba are the most common places of sightins. In Cordoba we have Uritorco mountains which you probably heard about because of the numerous events related to UFOs.
The night we saw the incident was a cloudy night, we lay on the rocks of a dry river to watch the stars, then we stand up and walk down the river heading to bed, after this a hound of dogs really went crazy up the on the valley, barking a lot and from where the sound came we saw what appeared to be a flashlight trough the woods, but soon started to move erratic floating towards our direction, was a green like light, never seen a light that color..
As it came closer we decided to keep a safe distance between the light and us, I knew the moment it started floating in that erratic movement that the light was an alien craft, and this craft was coming way to fast so we decided to run as fast as we could, we had a feeling of fear and excitement, we were shocked.
We stopped running and incredibly left the fear behind and went back to the place we last saw the light, but it wasn´t there.. we searched the skies and nothing ! but this is the funny part, we turn around again and see this same light again but different now! there was the same green light in the center and like other six or seven small lights around the main one, describing a disk shape object this time it stood still in the air, levitating at 10 meters from the ground and another 30 from us.
We could´ve stayed all night there, but the object wouldn´t move.. it stayed in the same spot floating, so we stayed like an hour, watching and watching again, loving that moment with our own eyes and souls and I think the beings inside the craft were also interested in us because they didn´t take of, was like a mutual fascination.. as if they were expecting something from us, but didn´t get any closer this time After a while we sadly decided to leave, we actually abandon the sightin.
Posted 2012-10-30
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