NUFORC UFO Sighting 9352
Occurred: 1999-09-05 22:30 LocalReported: 1999-09-04 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 1/2 hours
No of observers: 2
Location: West Liberty, KY, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
bright pulseating light diffferencating from green to orange to white
at about 20 degrees ith the western sky i saw a light flickering more thatwas more pronounced than a star and when i put my 24 power binocs on it , it was pulsating between green and orange and white. it stayed stationary for over an hour. the lights were together and werent seperated like the collision lights on an aircraft. i have a private pilots liscense and i know what to look for. i believe it was a manmade object but i dont know what it was. i sure would like to know what it was. i would be greatful if you could tell me
Report is not inconsistent with a twinkling star.
Posted 2002-09-06
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