NUFORC UFO Sighting 92054

Occurred: 2012-05-09 14:00 Local
Reported: 2012-08-22 13:35 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Elk River, MN, USA

Shape: Cross
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Clear, sunny afternoon, no clouds. Was outside doing yard work and looked up to see a white jet flying south over the house, leaving a white trail behind. Followed the trail and saw a large black object which at first I thought was a large hawk or crow as we leave in the country. Noticed is was hovering, not actually traveling. I then noticed their was no movement of the wings. I called my 13 yr old daughter over to see and we watched this shape hover and slightly change direction for a few minutes. It wasn't a plane as it had no noise, no trail and hovered. Wasn't a bird as the wings never moved and it hovered way too long to be a bird. Was not a helicopter. My last thought was maybe a RC plane, but again no noise and stayed too still too long. At once it made a turn toward the sun where we saw light reflect off it and then it made a 45 degree turn north and shot over the house in seconds it was out of sight. We still talk about it o this day. A! ny thoughts or ideas would be great!

Posted 2012-09-24

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