NUFORC UFO Sighting 92050
Occurred: 2011-08-28 21:00 LocalReported: 2012-08-22 11:25 Pacific
Duration: 3-5 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Perkasie, PA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo
balls of firelike composition coming in and out, movied together in formation at bizarre speed, stopped on a dime, disappeared.
I also saw this in Perkasie last year on this date. It can be confirmed by the fact that I made a facebook posting about it immediately afterwards asking if anyone else had just seen the sky. I just happened to go to this website today, (almost a year later) to see if maybe anyone had reported something. I typed in "Perkasie 2011" and I saw a post and the date. I did not remember the date so I went back and checked my facebook postings. I posted my comment on August 26th 2011. Same date. I never thought about ufo's prior to this incident- so it did not occur to me to contact anyone. However, it has been bothering me ever since. I was sitting in my living room and I saw something at the corner of my eye which my first reaction to was, "fire". There is a small airport near here so my first thought was that perhaps a plane was on fire nearby. I said to my husband, "what is that?" He went to the window, stood there for what seemed! like a long time and then said " I have no idea what that is." This really scared me, and I went on my front lawn and looked up. There were multiple lights spaced varying distances from each other that would appear and disappear. I first thought they were independent of each other against the sky, but to my total astonishment they suddenly all moved together at a bizarre speed to the right. When this happened it was evident the lights were all within the same object -that only became visible because it moved so suddenly to the right. It then just seemed to disappear, perhaps backwards at an impossible speed?? Whatever this object was would have had to been gigantic - I had chills and was completely frightened. Flood/search lights came on at the airport- or from somewhere, for about 10 minutes following this... if anyone can explain this, I would really appreciate it- because it makes no sense to me. Thanks!
Posted 2012-09-24
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