NUFORC UFO Sighting 92047
Occurred: 2012-08-21 20:40 LocalReported: 2012-08-22 09:52 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Green Bay, WI, USA
Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
Observed 1 large unidentified craft and a series of 8 - 10 bright orange balls travelling evenly and slowly across the sky
At 20:40 my wife and I observed what appeared to be a large craft directly overhead traveling slowly east-northeast. It was at the height of low flying commercial aircraft and looked somewhat like a refueling tanker hooked to another similarly sized craft. There was one red steady light in the center of the craft. The perimeter was outlined in a silvery color.
At the same time we observed this craft there were 3 bright orange ball shaped lights in a line, spaced about 5 to 10 degrees apart traveling in the same path. As the original craft disappeared to the east the orange balls traveled slowly along the same course before gradually fading and ultimately disappearing as they reached about 80 degrees above the horizon. A series of these orange balls appeared to rise from near the west-southwest horizon and travel along the same path before gradually dimming and disappearing at about 80 degrees above the horizon. We saw 8 to 10 of these balls over about 10 minutes. We waited about another 10 minutes before going inside.
Posted 2012-09-24
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