NUFORC UFO Sighting 92034

Occurred: 2012-08-21 10:00 Local
Reported: 2012-08-21 20:16 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Longmeadow, MA, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

White ball, moves, navigates in sky , then leaves ..

In longmeadow, in an area called the medows . Fanny stebbins refuge, Tonight. Me and one other person are in our 30's. Fished a small pond and headed back on train tracks going to springfield .. I looked into sky and notice a bright white moving east to west, and I commented "Huh, whats that ?" My buddy looks up and goes oh it's a plane. I exclaim, "yeah but its not blinking and its white, pure white. No colors, no pulsation, nothing.. just white and round" We both agree this is odd, we watch it move east to west , then it navigates at about the distance a passenger jet would be at. We watch it expected it to continue on. Keep in mind, no direct path, just like an object deciding it movemnet. Not a coment , or metorite. I have seen hundreds of these , as I am a sky buff. They don't just glow pure white, and stay constant. They don't. It doesn't. So we watch as it seems to turn away and up, then in about 2 seconds, leaves twoards space, then disappears. Before it does , there is a small glow as it leaves, like some sort of burner. and then its just gone. I can say surley, for me a total non beleiver , this has made me believe.

Posted 2012-09-24

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