NUFORC UFO Sighting 92028
Occurred: 2012-07-20 12:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2012-08-21 14:11 Pacific
Duration: 90 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Diamond Bar, CA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
My girlfriend and I saw a two story pyramid with bright lights rolling up hill on Grand Ave in Diamond Bar California
While returning home from the dental office, Near Grand and Diamond Bar Blvd, in Diamond Bar girlfriend and I saw a strange lighted object approaching. We had just pulled out our parking space, my girlfriend drove and as she drove towards the main street we noticed an object brightly lit up rolling up the hillside.
Excited, my girlfriend parked the car in order to take a picture, the object stopped right in front of us and hovered for approximately 30 seconds.
The object was shaped like a pyramid, but the top was flat...there were lights on all four corners. one white, one blue, one red and one amber.
The object had a large bubble in the center and the object seemed to roll around it...I also noticed what looked like air vents and a couple of access panels of sorts. The object was approximately 2 stories high and it were gold in color or so it seemed to take on the color of the sun.
Now we're both outside the car and she's trying to take the picture with her cell phone...the objected stopped directly behind some trees that had been trimmed recently and right next to a condo complex on Grand Ave.
Unable to get a clear picture my girlfriend and I thought the object attempted to avoid us taking a photo...just as she snapped the shutter the object proceeded to roll back down the hill towards Diamond Bar Blvd.
We got back in the car and made the right turn down Grand Ave to Diamond Bar Blvd, I kept my eye on the onject as it changed direction and rolled away behind the shopping center. i at first thought to follow and see if i could possibly get a better shot at an picture, but the object began to pull away at an rapid rate of speed.
We told ourself not to say anything, but I cant seem to stop seeing in my dreams each night. Plus this isnt my first sighting, but lets let that go!!! I'm a man of many skills...i could build my own aircraft and I know what a weather balloon looks like!!! This was too big to be a radio control craft as well!!!
Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2012-09-24
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