NUFORC Sighting 91519

Occurred: 2012-08-06 22:00 Local
Reported: 2012-08-06 20:05 Pacific
Duration: half hour
No of observers: 3

Location: North Bergen, NJ, USA

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object

Another Triangular Formation in the skies of new jersey 3 glowing lights

i recently read an article on about these young ladies whom recorded a triangular formation in the skies of new jersey. I always tend to look up to the sky and I know where to see stars, because in Northern Jersey it’s hard to see stars. When all of a sudden, I happen to look up towards the southwest direction; west from NYC, I saw clearing 3 orb shaped white lights in a PERFECT triangle formation. I was convinced that it was a UFO of some sort. They seemed to glow but no movement, and then I started to think maybe they are stars after all that I never noticed before. But the formation was so clear; I know I would have not missed it before. So I went upstairs and had dinner; 30min later it was gone. So now I’m convinced it was no stars.

Posted 2012-08-19

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