NUFORC Sighting 91470

Occurred: 2012-08-04 22:10 Local
Reported: 2012-08-05 15:22 Pacific
Duration: 10-15 min
No of observers: 4

Location: Hickory, NC, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object

V formation of lights over Hickory, NC

August 5, 2012 Sighting: August 4, 2012 Time: 10:10pm

I was traveling home from my children’s’ theatre performance last evening, when I stopped at a four way stop sign a few houses away from my home. As usual, I looked for cars, first to the right then to the left; however, when I looked to the left, something caught my attention out of my peripheral view. I looked up in the sky to find three strange lights high enough in the air to be an airplane. These lights did not look like any sort of airplane I had ever seen. So I was quite confused.

As the lights were moving, I hurriedly shouted for my children to look out the window up into the sky, and I asked, "Do you see what I see?! What in the WORLD is that!??”" Both of them were able to see the lights, and they did not think the lights looked like airplanes either.

I stayed at the stop light for a few more seconds studying the sky. I thought to myself, there is no way that is an airplane or jet, as the lights are a strange color, and they are not blinking, so they must be balloons? No, I know! They must be lanterns, since they are a reddish-orange-like bright color. They are lanterns that have been set free, like in the movies. Yet, as I studied the sky more closely, I noticed that these objects were NOT floating UP like a balloon or a lantern would. These objects were very quietly moving across the sky.

The three objects were in a " V" formation, and they were traveling across the sky towards the north, towards my home. So, knowing my husband watches UFO stories, I rushed three houses down and ran inside to get him.

By the time he came out with the video camera, the third one (that was the lead light) was drifting from the other two. Its glow seemed to grow fainter, and it seemed to be traveling further away, when all of the sudden, it just vanished. The other two stayed in view as they traveled further north. We all got back in the car and followed the lights for a better view away from our huge pin oaks in our backyard.

About ten minutes later, the second light vanished just as the first had done. We watched the last light, hoping it would not disappear as quickly. As I was watching it, I noticed that it seemed to be changing shape, almost as if it was in a circular motion. I remember my husband, who was taking video on the street, telling me what he was seeing AFTER! I had already seen it as well. Our children also seemed to have a similar account as to what transpired.

A few minutes later, the third was gone in the same fashion as the other two.

The four of us sat in the street, dumbfounded and perplexed by what we had just observed.

Posted 2012-08-19

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