NUFORC UFO Sighting 90376

Occurred: 2012-07-01 22:50 Local
Reported: 2012-07-04 01:19 Pacific
Duration: 30 to 45 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Shape: Other

A yellow orange shield shaped object about 3 to 4ft tall with a flame inside traveling in a S/SE direction at treeline.

On Sunday July 1, 2012 in King county just outside the city limits of Seattle, Washington, at approximately 10:50 pm, my husband glanced out of the front window and made an unusually strong exclamation "what is that" so I immediately turned around to look out the window as well. We have large picture windows which join at the NE corner of the house in our living room and we were each seated on either side of the end table with lamp situated in the corner of the window.

I saw a large glowing yellow/orange kind of shield shaped object with a flame in the middle moving fairly swiftly and smoothly at tree level I jumped up to move quickly to the windows on the side of the house and and back patio windows to watch the object move past the side of our house toward Renton, which borders the west side and back of our property.

It continued to move evenly seeming self propelled until it was behind a tree in the back SE corner of our property and I could see it glowi! ng through the branches until it was gone from my sight. I almost thought it had slowed, but I believe it was probably traveling a little more easterly away from us.

I had never seen anything like this before and was surprised at the size and how close to us it was traveling. I was most fearful of the flame in the middle if it were to be caught in the trees or even land and start a fire. I told my husband that the only thing I could even imagine was like a hot air balloon, but there was no balloon you could see and it was not that large. I have never seen a hot air balloon in this area and that time of night, the size and close proximity to the houses and trees made no sense.

It looked to be maybe 3 to 4 feet tall give or take and I would estimate the angle when I point to where I first saw the object to where it disappeared to be about 165 degrees and the sighting lasted maybe 30 to 45 seconds. The front of our home faces north possibly slightly northwest and the object was traveling from the north heading toward our home heading south probably slightly more southeast.

We had a call that night that my brother-in-law had just taken his wife to the hospital emergency room on Sunday night at 10:36 pm, so that was certainly weighting on our minds until we knew she would recover and then I began to think more about reporting what we saw shortly after the call so that it might be helpful in someway. Hopefully I have given useful information.

I wonder if this could have been some kind of lantern launched inappropriately?


We spoke via telephone with this witness, and found her to be exceptionally eloquent and sober-minded. We suspect that she is an excellent witness. PD

Posted 2012-07-04

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